The Terminal is a computer which is found on the train and at the Shop in Subterranauts. It is controlled by terminal commands and used for ordering equipment and upgrades, routing the train, viewing the facility, and many other things.
Here is a list of all current commands and their uses at the terminal:
Shop Terminal[]
Command | Use | Valid Inputs |
BUY_UPGRADE | Purchases the specified upgrade | Upgrade Name |
BUY_HAT | Purchases the specified hat | Hat Name |
HELP | Displays list of available commands for shop terminal | 1-6 |
HATS | Opens the hat shop | 1, 2 |
UPGRADES | Opens the upgrade shop | 1 |
Train Terminal[]
Command | Use | Valid Inputs |
BALANCE | Lists your current balance. | n/a |
BUY | Purchases the specified item from the shop. Shorthand name are accepted to purchase items. (e.g. BUY FLA) A number can be given to purchase multiple of an item. (e.g. BUY FLASHLIGHT 2) | Item Name |
CLOSE_BULKHEAD | Closes the specified security bulkhead by typing the code displayed on the bulkhead itself. (e.g. CLOSE_BULKHEAD Q73) | Bulkhead ID |
EXIT_CAMS | Closes the current camera display. | n/a |
EXIT_MINIMAP | Closes the minimap display. | n/a |
HELP | Opens one of the 6 pages of commands. (e.g. HELP 2) | 1, 2 ,3, 4, 5, 6 |
LEAVE_CHECKPOINT | Begins the assignment, only works at the checkpoint. If the assignment was not met, this command will ask "Are you sure?" and typing "yes" will kill all employees and end the game. | n/a |
LIST_CAMS | Lists all available security cameras in the facility. | n/a |
LIST_LOGS | Lists all disk log entries that have been loaded onto the terminal. | n/a |
MAP | Opens the map of all stations along the assignment route. Every station is marked with a letter. | n/a |
MINIMAP | Opens and displays the minimap of selected player on the secondary terminal monitor. (E.g. MINIMAP ASA) | Player Name |
NEXT_CAM | Displays the next camera feed. | n/a |
OPEN_BULKHEAD | Opens the specified security bulkheads by typing the code displayed on the bulkhead itself. (e.g. OPEN_BULKHEAD Q82) | Bulkhead ID |
PREV_CAM | Displays previous camera feed. | n/a |
READ | Opens specified log files. (E.g READ WELCOME_TO_HELL) | Log Entry Name |
ROUTE_TO | Sends the train to the station letter that is inputted assuming it is a valid next stop along the map. At the last stop "ROUTE_TO CHECKPOINT" or just "ROUTE_TO C" will return to checkpoint. | A, B, C, etc;
SCAN_FACILITY | Scans all resources within the facility giving an item total. Values of the items located within the facility is given, listing the steel, copper, rubber, and plastic value. "Facility has been cleared of scrap, good work." Being displayed if all scrap has been collected. | n/a |
SCAN_SURFACE | Scans all resources on the surface giving an item total. Values of items located on the surface is given, listing the steel, copper, rubber, and plastic value. "Facility has been cleared of scrap, good work." Being displayed if all scrap has been collected. | n/a |
SCAN_TRAIN | Scans all resources on the train giving an item total. Values of items located on the train is given, listing the steel, copper, rubber, and plastic vale. | n/a |
SHOP | Shows all available items/equipment to buy and their prices. | n/a |
SWITCH_NEXT | Switches to tracking the next players minimap on the secondary terminal screen. | n/a |
SWITCH_PREV | Switches to tracking the previous players minimap on the secondary terminal screen. | n/a |
TOGGLE_LIGHT | Toggles the light the current displayed security camera | n/a |
VIEW_BODYCAM | Displays the bodycam feed of specified player. (e.g. VIEW_BODYCAM ASA) | Player Name |
VIEW_CAM | Displays the camera feed of the specified camera ID. (e.g. VIEW_CAM 1) | Camera ID |
VIEW_STATION | Shows various information about the outdoor map and facility of the map station inputted. (e.g. VIEW_STATION D) | A, B, C, etc. |
Displays (train terminal only)[]
Миникарта покупается на чекпоинте в магазине улучшений за 375$.
Имеет два вида.
- Личная миникарта сотрудников отображается выше показателей здоровья и выносливости при спуске на объект. Отоборажает - стены, лестницы, вражеские сигнатуры (красным) и сигнатуры сотрудников (зелеными стрелками), зона лифта. Мимики не отображаются.
- Карта включаемая на терминале поезда командой minimap и отображается на правом мониторе. Отображает то же самое что и обычная карта сотрудника, но имеются пометки ресурсов (зеленые кружочки).
Security Cameras[]
List_cam увидеть все камеры на локации,VIEW_CAM НОМЕР КАМЕРЫ (VIEW_CAM 1 или VIEW_CAM 12).
TOGGLE_LIGHT включить свет на камере, после смены камеры свет отключится. NEXT_CAM, PREV_CAM следующая и предыдущая камера.
Scrap Assignment and Market Tracker[]
Employee Life Tracker[]
Полезные команды.[]
scan_facility, scan_surface, view_station.
Первые две помогут выяснить сколько ресурсов осталось. Вторая нужна для выбора станций смотреть на графу type
Пользуйтесь клавишей TAB для заполнения команды, так введя N и нажав Tab мы получаем полноценную команду NEXT_CAM.