Stations or stops are the locations that employees are taken to by train in order to look for scrap. Each station consists of an outdoor map and an elevator leading to an indoor facility. Each station is given a letter to refer to it in the terminal, which can be viewed using the MAP command.
- All stations in the demo version of the game are set in a desert environment
- Stations can contain caves in some variations which lead to the facility.
- The outdoor section of a station contains about 1/3 of the total scrap compared to 2/3 in the indoor facility.
- Stations become larger and more dangerous as the game progresses, though they also contain more scrap. There will also be more stations along the track in later assignments.
- The VIEW_STATION command at the terminal will show the specifics of each station and its facility.
- The SCAN_STATION command will tell you the amount of scrap available in the outdoor portion of the station.